With each day that passes, Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes a larger part of the world we live in. Few could have predicted the astronomical rise of AI. Without AI many fields of technology and science would not be where they are today. AI doesn’t only play a part in science and technology, it plays a part in many other industries. Customer service programs using chatbots and robocalls are increasingly using AI as a way to efficiently manage and serve customers. AI is also playing a larger role in data management and analysis. AI can sort and process far more information than any human could ever do. One of the most well-known uses of AI is with automated assistants such as Alexa and Google Home. One of the best examples of how AI could transform an industry is with Google Translate, Google Translate uses AI, specifically machine learning, to scour the internet for similar phrases in different languages, with this data the system learns to accurately translate words and phrases. This article will discuss the possible uses of AI and machine learning with Space Telecommunications and the role that 5G could play in all of this.
With new advancements in rocket technology, space is becoming a larger market for many companies. Advancements with batteries and computers make satellites a cheaper, more viable option for many telecommunication companies. Telecommunication satellites use satellite constellations to quickly and efficiently relay information around the world. Telecommunication satellites are a very appealing method of data delivery when compared with traditional methods for many reasons including the fact that they don’t have large infrastructure requirements with electricity and roads, as the satellites orbit in space. Because of the relative peacefulness of space, telecommunication satellites require little to no upkeep or maintenance, it is because of this, satellites aren’t only a fast and convenient method of data delivery, they are an economical one. This next section will discuss the roles that AI and 5G can play with telecommunication satellite constellations.
Ever since the launch of the internet in 1990, network speeds have been improving. With the launch of the mobile phone, widespread internet coverage became incredibly important. The next step for the advancement of the internet is with the introduction of 5G, 5G is the fifth generation of cellular-based internet. The introduction of 5G will offer significant improvements over its predecessors, a simulation by Qualcomm saw browsing speeds of 71 Mbps with 4G go up to browsing speeds of 1.4 Gbps with 5G, roughly 23 times faster. The same simulation saw download speeds go from 10 Mbps with 4G to 186 Mbps with 5G, some other simulations done by UK wireless providers saw download speeds in the 1-10 Gbps range, one simulation done by the UK’s 5G Innovation Center saw download speeds of up to 1 Terabit Per Second (Tbps), to give a sense of how fast this is, with a download speed of 1 Tbps a file 100 times larger than
Knowing the advantages of using AI and 5G with communication satellites, this section will use them to create a comprehensive, multi-step blueprint for an AI-based work plan for Space and 5G Telecommunications.
1. Data Collection and Organization
When data is received from satellites, cables, terrestrial signals, or by any other method, it is crucial that the data is analyzed and sorted immediately. This can be done by using AI-enabled Virtual ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processing. Using an AI-enabled Virtual ETL system would solve the common data migration problem of extensive and often unreliable sorting by a basic software program by completely automating and perfecting the process. Using an AI-enabled Virtual ETL system would also make this data storage and Analysis an almost instant process. This system would also make sure that there wasn’t any “junk” such as noise or interference in the radio signals, or any unnecessary information in the data received, this processing of data would save key storage space and data transmission capacity. With all of the received data collected and sorted it can now be sent out or stored much more efficiently. With 5G this information can be transmitted at astonishingly fast speeds, therefore reducing the amount of time it takes for data to be transferred.
2. In-depth Data Analyzation
After the data is collected and stored further data analyzation can be performed. AI and machine learning will play an extremely large part in this. AI will study the information and look for any irregularities, patterns or any other points of interest from the data. This data could then be sorted into different important and less important sections of the database and the data can now be put to use.
3. Utilization of Data
With this data completely sorted it can now be put to use. Depending on the nature of the data being collected, the refined data could be sold to any willing buyers such as network companies. In the case of 5G and the future of the internet, AI and machine learning could be employed to plan effective network systems. Satellite constellations could be optimized. Ground-based network infrastructure including antennas and control stations could be optimized. AI could change and optimize the existing methods of data migration, AI could detect any deficiencies in existing network infrastructure. These methods of Data Collection and analyzation don’t only apply to network planning, there are many other possible applications for this technology. As mentioned before, this technology could be employed by many private companies looking to optimize customer service, work environments, shipping, company management, and many other uses. One of the most promising fields for the use of AI-enabled 5G telecommunication is with the emergency services. AI could be used to answer emergency calls and other emergency communications. The data collection and analysis methods discussed before could help in finding efficient routes for emergency vehicles and even with predictive policing. 5G will play a part in all of this as 5G enabled satellites will provide an uninterrupted and high-speed connection to anyone that needs it.
All in all, 5G enabled telecommunication satellites are the future of the internet. These satellites combined with AI and machine learning will create highly efficient data transmission and analyzation processes. When all of these factors are combined, the world will run more effectively and efficiently for the better.